Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Tips for Reviewing and Filtering AdSense Ads

The process by which the Google AdSense program reviews and filters ads for their participating sites is a semi-automated one. Google has put in p lace strict policies for the content o f its ads, including bans on profanity and racially discriminatory content. These types of ads are automatically filtered out and will not be included on any participating site.
In addition to this automatic ad filtering, owners of participating sites are free to block ads they or their visitors may find offensive. This filtering is done through the use o f custom filters, and it is somewhat different than simply blocking a single advertiser (although that is possible as well). These filters are generally easy to use, and Google provides good assistance to their member sites in order to ensure only wanted ads are posted on the member sites.

Although it happens quite rarely, there are times that Google’s auto mated algorithms for determining web site content are not able to make a good match o f ads to the web site pages. In those cases, the publisher of the web site will be permitted to choose his or her own ads. If this does happen and you fail to make a choice, the site will automatically host a number of public service advertisements.
One of the best things about the Google AdSense program is that the look and feel of the ads can easily be customized in order to provide a consistent look and feel to the content on the web site. One of the key concepts of effective web design is to provide visitors to the web site with a consistent look and feel. This includes making sure that the same colors are used throughout all the pages, making sure that the fonts are consistent and being sure to make the navigation of the web site as intuitive and simple as possible.

Fitting the ads served by Google AdSense into this equation is generally a simple process, and a number o f tools are provided to make it easy to customize the look and feel of the ads being served. For instance, the Google AdSense program allows web site owners to customize the color and layout o f the ads in order to be more consistent with the rest o f the site. Web site owners are free to choose from the opt ions provided or to apply a custom layout and color to the ads. The advertisers do not have control over
This process; once their ads appear on your site you are free to customize t he text and control how it looks. This is a big advantage o f t he Google AdSense program, and one that many web site owners would not want to do without.

Since the customization of Google AdSense content is so easy to do, it is important for all web site owners to carefully consider how to format the ads they host. It is a good idea to periodically review the web site, and the targeted ads contained o n the site, in order to make sure that the ads served are appropriate. At the same time, it is a good idea to look at the overall look and feel o f t he web site, not only the ads themselves but how they fit into the overall look and feel of the web site. It is important that the ads not look jarring or out of place. If the ads do stick out, reformatting them to more closely match the look of the web site itself should help a lot. It is best for the ads to be unobtrusive but still easy to notice for the casual web site visitor.

This type of web site testing should be a staple activity for the owner or manager of any web based business. It is important to periodically go back to the web site with the eyes of a potential visitor. Look at things like how easy the site is to use and navigate, how intuitive it is, and o f course how relevant t he ads are to the content. This type of review, of both ad copy and web site content, is a great way to keep the site fresh and relevant month after month and year after year.

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